Japanese vocabulary from "Mean People Fail"

Vocabulary notes from the Japanese version of pg's "Mean People Fail" essay.

Paragraph 1


"It struck me recently how few of the most successful people I know are mean. There are exceptions, but remarkably few."

Japanese Kana English
意地の悪い いじのわるい Mean-spirited
ごく少数 ごくしょうすう Only a few

Paragraph 2


"Meanness isn't rare. In fact, one of the things the internet has shown us is how mean people can be. A few decades ago, only famous people and professional writers got to publish their opinions. Now everyone can, and we can all see the long tail of meanness that had previously been hidden."

Japanese Kana English
事実 じじつ Fact; reality
公にする おおやけにする Publish; make public

Paragraph 3

「意地の悪い人は世の中にたくさん存在しているにもかかわらず、なぜか私が知る成功者の中にはほとんど見当たりません。これは一体なぜなのでしょう? 意地の悪さと成功には、反比例の関係があるのでしょうか。」

"And yet while there are clearly a lot of mean people out there, there are next to none among the most successful people I know. What's going on here? Are meanness and success inversely correlated?"

Japanese Kana English
にもかかわらず にもかかわらず In spite of; nevertheless
見当たる みあたる To be found
反比例の関係 はんぴれいのかんけい To be in inverse proportion

Paragraph 4


"Part of what's going on, of course, is selection bias. I only know people who work in certain fields: startup founders, programmers, professors. I'm willing to believe that successful people in other fields are mean. Maybe successful hedge fund managers are mean; I don't know enough to say. It seems quite likely that most successful drug lords are mean. But there are at least big chunks of the world that mean people don't rule, and that territory seems to be growing."

Japanese Kana English
起業家 きぎょうか Entrepreneur
分野 ぶんや Field
において において Regarding
想像の域 そうぞうのいき Realm of imagination
密売 みつばい Smuggling
幅を利かせる はばをきかせる Make one's influence felt

Paragraph 5

「私の妻でありY Combinatorの創業パートナーでもあるJessicaには、人の性格をまるでレントゲン写真のように見透かす力があります。彼女との結婚生活は、空港の手荷物検査機のそばに立っているようなものです。投資銀行からスタートアップの世界へ入ってきた彼女は、心優しい人たちがスタートアップの起業家として成功していく一方で、意地の悪い人たちが失敗していく様子を、これまでたくさん目にしてきました。」

"My wife and Y Combinator cofounder Jessica is one of those rare people who have x-ray vision for character. Being married to her is like standing next to an airport baggage scanner. She came to the startup world from investment banking, and she has always been struck both by how consistently successful startup founders turn out to be good people, and how consistently bad people fail as startup founders."

Japanese Kana English
レントゲン写真 れんとげんしゃしん An x-ray
見透かす みすかす See through

Paragraph 6

「これはなぜなのでしょう? 理由はいくつか考えられます。1つは、意地の悪さは自分自身をおとしめるということです。これは私が争い事を嫌う理由でもあります。争い事においては、ベストな仕事をするということが不可能です。なぜなら、そこには普遍性がないからです。争い事での勝利はいつでも、状況と関係者の相関関係によって決定づけられます。いくら壮大なアイデアを考えついても、勝つことはできません。争い事に勝つために求められるのは、特定の状況において力を発揮する攻撃を考えつくことなのです。そのくせ争い事というのは、現実的な問題について考えるのと同じくらいの労力を必要とします。これは、自分の頭をどのように使えているかということを気にする人にとっては特につらいことです。せっかく頭をフル回転させても、何の着地点も見いだせないのですから。」

"Why? I think there are several reasons. One is that being mean makes you stupid. That's why I hate fights. You never do your best work in a fight, because fights are not sufficiently general. Winning is always a function of the situation and the people involved. You don't win fights by thinking of big ideas but by thinking of tricks that work in one particular case. And yet fighting is just as much work as thinking about real problems. Which is particularly painful to someone who cares how their brain is used: your brain goes fast but you get nowhere, like a car spinning its wheels."

Japanese Kana English
貶める おとしめる Look down upon; show contempt for
争い あらそい Conflict; quarrel
嫌う きらう To hate; to dislike
普遍性 ふへんせい Universality
壮大 そうだい Magnificent; grand
特定 とくてい Specific
発揮する はっきする Demonstrate
攻撃 こうげき Attack
そのくせ そのくせ And yet
労力 ろうりょく Effort
着地点 ちゃくちてん Conclusion
見いだせる みいだせる Detectable

Paragraph 7


"Startups don't win by attacking. They win by transcending. There are exceptions of course, but usually the way to win is to race ahead, not to stop and fight."

Japanese Kana English
立ち止まって たちどまって Pause to do something
挑む いどむ Challenge
先頭 せんとう Lead; vanguard

Paragraph 8


"Another reason mean founders lose is that they can't get the best people to work for them. They can hire people who will put up with them because they need a job. But the best people have other options. A mean person can't convince the best people to work for him unless he is super convincing. And while having the best people helps any organization, it's critical for startups."

Japanese Kana English
人材 じんざい Human resources
耐え忍ぶ たえしのぶ Put up with; endure
雇う やとう Hire
選択肢 せんたくし Choice
よほど よほど Highly; considerably
ずる賢い ずるかしこい Cunning
要素 ようそ Element

Paragraph 9

「仕事というものには、実は慈善の精神も求められています。偉大な事業を成し遂げるためには、善いことを行おうという強い気持ちが必要です。大金を稼ぎ出したスタートアップ起業家たちは、お金のために起業したわけではありません。たいていの成功したスタートアップは途中で高額の買収オファーを提案されていますが、お金目的の人ならその時点でオファーを受け入れています。」 「こうしたオファーにも応じず事業を続けている人たちには、お金以外の別の動機があります。そんなにはっきりとは主張していなくても、よりよい世界を作ろうと努力しています。このように世界の発展に寄与したいという願いを強く抱いている人たちは、最初から優位な立場にあるともいえるでしょう」

"There is also a complementary force at work: if you want to build great things, it helps to be driven by a spirit of benevolence. The startup founders who end up richest are not the ones driven by money. The ones driven by money take the big acquisition offer that nearly every successful startup gets en route. The ones who keep going are driven by something else. They may not say so explicitly, but they're usually trying to improve the world. Which means people with a desire to improve the world have a natural advantage."

Japanese Kana English
慈善 じぜん Charity
精神 せいしん Spirit; intention
成し遂げる なしとげる Accomplish

Paragraph 11

「大変面白いことに、このスタートアップ業界に見られる関係性は、意地悪さと成功が反比例を示す事例をたまたま示しているだけではありません。業務における今後の成功の在り方を表しています。」 "The exciting thing is that startups are not just one random type of work in which meanness and success are inversely correlated. This kind of work is the future."

Japanese Kana English
関係性 かんけいせい Relation
業務 ぎょうむ Business
在り方 ありかた Way
表しています あらわしています Represents

Paragraph 12

This is the most difficult paragraph in the text.


"For most of history success meant control of scarce resources. One got that by fighting, whether literally in the case of pastoral nomads driving hunter-gatherers into marginal lands, or metaphorically in the case of Gilded Age financiers contending with one another to assemble railroad monopolies. For most of history, success meant success at zero-sum games. And in most of them meanness was not a handicap but probably an advantage."

Japanese Kana English
牧畜 ぼくちく Animal husbandry
遊牧民 ゆうぼくみん Nomad
狩猟採集民 しゅりょうさいしゅうみん hunter-gatherers
辺境 へんきょう Remote region
追い立てる おいたてる Drive away
牛耳る ぎゅうじる To control
べく べく Doing something for the purpose of
好況時代 こうきょうじだい Prosperous era
奪い合う うばいあう To struggle for
勝利 しょうり Conquest
場面 ばめん Setting (like in a novel)

Paragraph 13


"That is changing. Increasingly the games that matter are not zero-sum. Increasingly you win not by fighting to get control of a scarce resource, but by having new ideas and building new things."

Japanese Kana English
つつある つつある Ingifies a verb, here change -> changing
ものごと ものごと Things
測る 測る Measure

Paragraph 14


"There have long been games where you won by having new ideas. In the third century BC Archimedes won by doing that. At least until an invading Roman army killed him. Which illustrates why this change is happening: for new ideas to matter, you need a certain degree of civil order. And not just not being at war. You also need to prevent the sort of economic violence that nineteenth century magnates practiced against one another and communist countries practiced against their citizens. People need to feel that what they create can't be stolen."

Japanese Kana English
紀元前 きげんぜん B.C.
侵攻 しんこう Invasion
収める おさめる Obtain; reap
仕掛け しかける Wage war; challenge; set traps
共産 きょうさん Communism
行使 こうし Use; exercise

Paragraph 15


"That has always been the case for thinkers, which is why this trend began with them. When you think of successful people from history who weren't ruthless, you get mathematicians and writers and artists. The exciting thing is that their m.o. seems to be spreading. The games played by intellectuals are leaking into the real world, and this is reversing the historical polarity of the relationship between meanness and success."

Japanese Kana English
思想家 しそうか Thinkers
風潮 ふうちょう Tide; tendency
胸躍る むねおどる Exciting
俗世間 ぞくせけん This world
崩れる くずれる Crumble

Paragraph 16


"So I'm really glad I stopped to think about this. Jessica and I have always worked hard to teach our kids not to be mean. We tolerate noise and mess and junk food, but not meanness. And now I have both an additional reason to crack down on it, and an additional argument to use when I do: that being mean makes you fail."

Japanese Kana English
大目に見る おおめにみる Tolerate; let pass
しつける しつける Get used to doing
更なる さらなる Even more; further