The most popular countries on Reddit

Countries with the most mentions

Here are the countries ranked by how many post titles mention them.

Rank Country Mentions
#1 United States 2,034,091
#2 United Kingdom 954,341
#3 China 561,800
#4 India 538,799
#5 Canada 534,128
#6 Russian Federation 476,756
#7 Japan 451,339
#8 Australia 400,504
#9 Germany 344,622
#10 France 337,652
#11 Israel 316,389
#12 Mexico 184,622
#13 Ukraine 178,276
#14 Ireland 167,016
#15 Spain 156,100
#16 Iraq 151,176
#17 Italy 149,035
#18 Brazil 140,351
#19 Sweden 130,491
#20 Turkey 128,928
#21 Greece 122,830
#22 Afghanistan 121,585
#23 Pakistan 115,773
#24 Netherlands 111,450
#25 Egypt 104,619
#26 Jordan 93,911
#27 Norway 87,064
#28 Thailand 86,012
#29 Georgia 75,593
#30 Poland 70,890
#31 Saudi Arabia 69,570
#32 Switzerland 68,046
#33 Philippines 67,653
#34 Vietnam 61,942
#35 Denmark 61,087
#36 Singapore 56,095
#37 Malaysia 53,750
#38 Indonesia 51,617
#39 Libya 51,059
#40 Argentina 48,389
#41 Belgium 46,057
#42 Portugal 45,794
#43 Finland 43,339
#44 Nigeria 41,546
#45 Nepal 41,528
#46 Iceland 39,711
#47 Austria 37,226
#48 Venezuela 35,687
#49 Chile 33,825
#50 Yemen 32,759
#51 Romania 31,172
#52 Hungary 30,544
#53 Taiwan 29,441
#54 Palestinian Territory 28,132
#55 Colombia 26,576
#56 Kenya 25,910
#57 Bangladesh 24,669
#58 Lebanon 24,046
#59 Peru 23,995
#60 Haiti 22,692
#61 Jamaica 22,477
#62 Vatican 22,031
#63 Czech Republic 21,511
#64 Croatia 20,180
#65 Somalia 19,091
#66 Monaco 18,031
#67 United Arab Emirates 17,413
#68 Qatar 17,197
#69 Cambodia 16,698
#70 Serbia / Serbia and Montenegro 16,674
#71 Bulgaria 16,518
#72 Chad 16,501
#73 Morocco 16,269
#74 Ecuador 15,333
#75 Panama 14,296
#76 Uganda 13,780
#77 Cyprus 13,730
#78 Ethiopia 13,165
#79 Armenia 12,779
#80 Antarctica 12,312
#81 Mali 12,282
#82 Equatorial Guinea / Guinea 12,239
#83 Zimbabwe 12,213
#84 Tunisia 11,914
#85 Bolivia 11,426
#86 Latvia 11,226
#87 Bahrain 11,071
#88 Guatemala 10,998
#89 Congo 10,996
#90 Estonia 10,897
#91 El Salvador 10,887
#92 Uruguay 10,802
#93 Reunion 10,685
#94 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10,664
#95 Lithuania 10,592
#96 Honduras 10,065
#97 Ghana 9,691
#98 Malta 9,111
#99 Mongolia 9,059
#100 Kuwait 9,058
#101 Dominica 8,518
#102 Belarus 8,505
#103 Liberia 8,272
#104 Algeria 8,248
#105 Fiji 7,805
#106 Trinidad and Tobago 7,507
#107 Greenland 7,451
#108 Western Sahara 7,305
#109 Norfolk Island 7,226
#110 Slovenia 7,198
#111 Slovakia 7,187
#112 New Zealand 7,175
#113 Madagascar 6,966
#114 Bahamas 6,888
#115 Nicaragua 6,759
#116 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6,502
#117 Tanzania 6,411
#118 Kazakhstan 6,400
#119 Albania 6,225
#120 Belize 5,916
#121 Rwanda 5,786
#122 Macedonia 5,661
#123 Maldives 5,540
#124 Moldova 5,348
#125 Samoa 5,279
#126 American Samoa 5,279
#127 Paraguay 5,001
#128 Oman 4,923
#129 Bermuda 4,832
#130 Cote d'Ivoire 4,741
#131 Azerbaijan 4,678
#132 Luxembourg 4,065
#133 Guam 4,058
#134 Cayman Islands 4,000
#135 Cameroon 3,946
#136 Burkina Faso 3,905
#137 Gibraltar 3,640
#138 Angola 3,588
#139 Namibia 3,584
#140 Zambia 3,580
#141 Kyrgyzstan 3,307
#142 Niger 3,238
#143 Senegal 3,089
#144 Barbados 2,986
#145 Bhutan 2,862
#146 Malawi 2,829
#147 Macau 2,772
#148 Uzbekistan 2,716
#149 Mauritius 2,548
#150 Mozambique 2,520
#151 Eritrea 2,520
#152 Brunei Darussalam 2,333
#153 Faroe Islands 2,329
#154 Botswana 2,289
#155 Tonga 2,198
#156 Aruba 2,156
#157 Antigua and Barbuda 1,997
#158 Turkmenistan 1,909
#159 Guyana 1,853
#160 French Polynesia 1,825
#161 Andorra 1,822
#162 Seychelles 1,679
#163 Burundi 1,638
#164 Palau 1,617
#165 Vanuatu 1,602
#166 Liechtenstein 1,596
#167 Tajikistan 1,522

Countries with the highest average scores

How about which countries have the highest average score per post? These countries are not just popular, but posts about them are well-liked as well.

Rank Country Mentions Average score
#1 Antarctica 12,312 68.93
#2 Iceland 39,711 56.44
#3 Norway 87,064 52.87
#4 Liechtenstein 1,596 49.76
#5 Finland 43,339 48.26
#6 Namibia 3,584 47.45
#7 French Polynesia 1,825 46.46
#8 Faroe Islands 2,329 45.92
#9 Palau 1,617 45.72
#10 Mongolia 9,059 45.21
#11 Greenland 7,451 45.10
#12 Denmark 61,087 43.87
#13 Vietnam 61,942 41.74
#14 Sweden 130,491 41.04
#15 Germany 344,622 40.64
#16 Kazakhstan 6,400 40.20
#17 Qatar 17,197 38.85
#18 Switzerland 68,046 38.75
#19 Bhutan 2,862 38.65
#20 Poland 70,890 37.99
#21 El Salvador 10,887 37.99
#22 Netherlands 111,450 37.88
#23 Saudi Arabia 69,570 37.83
#24 Equatorial Guinea / Guinea 12,239 37.76
#25 Ethiopia 13,165 37.13
#26 Botswana 2,289 36.96
#27 Lithuania 10,592 36.81
#28 Rwanda 5,786 36.16
#29 Estonia 10,897 35.65
#30 Japan 451,339 35.34
#31 Uruguay 10,802 35.27
#32 Belgium 46,057 34.88
#33 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6,502 34.83
#34 Chad 16,501 34.75
#35 Guam 4,058 34.15
#36 Vatican 22,031 34.01
#37 Western Sahara 7,305 33.94
#38 Mozambique 2,520 33.93
#39 Latvia 11,226 33.85
#40 Croatia 20,180 33.14
#41 Mexico 184,622 33.07
#42 Bahamas 6,888 32.67
#43 Madagascar 6,966 32.53
#44 Armenia 12,779 32.48
#45 Ireland 167,016 32.42
#46 France 337,652 32.20
#47 Czech Republic 21,511 32.04
#48 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10,664 32.03
#49 Austria 37,226 31.72
#50 Romania 31,172 31.69
#51 Chile 33,825 31.59
#52 Russian Federation 476,756 31.36
#53 Uganda 13,780 30.97
#54 Australia 400,504 30.88
#55 Italy 149,035 30.85
#56 Tanzania 6,411 30.81
#57 Liberia 8,272 30.59
#58 Bolivia 11,426 30.52
#59 Canada 534,128 30.42
#60 Maldives 5,540 29.76
#61 Slovenia 7,198 29.73
#62 Afghanistan 121,585 29.38
#63 Cayman Islands 4,000 29.30
#64 Turkmenistan 1,909 29.15
#65 Kenya 25,910 29.10
#66 Peru 23,995 28.89
#67 Ecuador 15,333 28.60
#68 Iraq 151,176 28.24
#69 Jamaica 22,477 27.93
#70 Ghana 9,691 27.61
#71 Cambodia 16,698 27.48
#72 Zimbabwe 12,213 27.42
#73 Cameroon 3,946 27.34
#74 Malawi 2,829 27.26
#75 Guatemala 10,998 27.03
#76 Brazil 140,351 27.00
#77 Gibraltar 3,640 26.96
#78 Niger 3,238 26.74
#79 Turkey 128,928 26.54
#80 New Zealand 7,175 26.23
#81 China 561,800 26.15
#82 Taiwan 29,441 25.92
#83 Bermuda 4,832 25.86
#84 Georgia 75,593 25.84
#85 Paraguay 5,001 25.73
#86 Bulgaria 16,518 25.61
#87 Portugal 45,794 25.48
#88 Serbia / Serbia and Montenegro 16,674 25.43
#89 Slovakia 7,187 25.42
#90 Samoa 5,279 25.36
#91 American Samoa 5,279 25.36
#92 Uzbekistan 2,716 25.22
#93 Tajikistan 1,522 25.10
#94 Thailand 86,012 25.10
#95 Egypt 104,619 25.05
#96 Spain 156,100 25.05
#97 Kuwait 9,058 25.00
#98 Luxembourg 4,065 24.74
#99 Senegal 3,089 24.62
#100 Fiji 7,805 24.53
#101 Tunisia 11,914 24.42
#102 Colombia 26,576 24.18
#103 Greece 122,830 24.16
#104 Congo 10,996 24.08
#105 Seychelles 1,679 23.84
#106 Belize 5,916 23.81
#107 Hungary 30,544 23.81
#108 Panama 14,296 23.75
#109 Morocco 16,269 23.59
#110 United States 2,034,091 23.56
#111 Argentina 48,389 23.47
#112 United Kingdom 954,341 23.20
#113 Nigeria 41,546 22.83
#114 Dominica 8,518 22.48
#115 Reunion 10,685 22.17
#116 Andorra 1,822 22.04
#117 Ukraine 178,276 21.93
#118 Zambia 3,580 21.90
#119 Jordan 93,911 21.51
#120 Tonga 2,198 21.38
#121 Algeria 8,248 20.95
#122 Oman 4,923 20.77
#123 Trinidad and Tobago 7,507 20.67
#124 Honduras 10,065 20.60
#125 Albania 6,225 20.59
#126 Somalia 19,091 20.55
#127 Malta 9,111 20.19
#128 Bahrain 11,071 20.12
#129 Belarus 8,505 20.10
#130 Indonesia 51,617 20.02
#131 Mauritius 2,548 19.84
#132 Monaco 18,031 19.73
#133 Venezuela 35,687 19.36
#134 Macedonia 5,661 19.22
#135 Malaysia 53,750 19.18
#136 Moldova 5,348 19.02
#137 Palestinian Territory 28,132 19.02
#138 Kyrgyzstan 3,307 18.90
#139 Haiti 22,692 18.86
#140 Philippines 67,653 18.80
#141 Guyana 1,853 18.69
#142 Yemen 32,759 18.63
#143 Azerbaijan 4,678 18.58
#144 Israel 316,389 18.40
#145 Nepal 41,528 18.20
#146 Lebanon 24,046 17.76
#147 Eritrea 2,520 16.88
#148 Mali 12,282 16.85
#149 Nicaragua 6,759 16.85
#150 Pakistan 115,773 16.27
#151 Norfolk Island 7,226 16.23
#152 India 538,799 15.67
#153 Bangladesh 24,669 15.66
#154 Vanuatu 1,602 15.56
#155 Angola 3,588 15.46
#156 Barbados 2,986 15.15
#157 Macau 2,772 14.90
#158 Singapore 56,095 14.86
#159 Cyprus 13,730 14.25
#160 Libya 51,059 14.09
#161 Brunei Darussalam 2,333 12.93
#162 Burkina Faso 3,905 12.62
#163 Aruba 2,156 11.60
#164 United Arab Emirates 17,413 10.48
#165 Antigua and Barbuda 1,997 10.22
#166 Burundi 1,638 9.52
#167 Cote d'Ivoire 4,741 9.19

How I compiled the lists

I didn't do anything fancy here. If a post title has a word which matches the name of a country, I assume the post is related to that country. That causes some difficulties when there are homonyms, such as "Jordan" appearing in a post which is actually not talking about the country, but instead about Michael Jordan the computer scientist (or someone else with that name). Here is my whole mapping.

Instead of running this analysis on my own computer, I used Google BigQuery to find the names of countries in post titles. If you would like to learn how to run similar queries yourself, check out this great introduction to BigQuery analysis of Reddit.

The only fancy thing I did do is allowing multiple words to refer to the same country. For instance for "Germany" and "Japan", I also accept the demonyms "German" and "Japanese" in as well. For multi-word country names I also wanted to count abbreviations ("US", "U.S.", "USA", "U.S.A."). My query already removes dots, so it was enough to have "US", "USA" in the list. To prevent "US" from also matching "us", I decided to stick with case sensitivity.

I decided not to include "English" as a word for UK, because it more commonly refers to the language. Since it was ambiguous what "Korea" appearing along would refer to, I didn't count that as referring to anything unless it was preceded by "North" or "South".

By Bemmu, the guy behind Candy Japan.